The so-called principle of sales not devastating lease means that a leaser can affirm his right to lease to anyone who has property right of the lease subject while the lease contract is being performed, namely the adverse claim. 所谓买卖不破租赁原则,是指在租赁关系存续过程中,租赁物被让与或设定物权的,承租人对取得租赁物所有权或他物权的人,可主张其承租权,此即所谓对抗力。
People according to their actual damage and unsafe food will inevitably lead to other adverse consequences, presented to the court claim. 人们可以根据自己的实际受损情况和不安全食品必然会导致的其他不良后果,向法院提出相关诉讼请求。